The Frozen Book Tag..


I was tagged by the awesome blog- THE BOOK DETECTIVE to do the Frozen book tag.  I have not done a book tag yet, so this is super exciting (I am also currently procrastinating from writing my essay, I have become an awful student)

So without further ado, here it is…

1.Frozen heart… beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! What character do you think of when you hear this description?

I instantly thought of Tom Riddle from the HARRY POTTER  (series) by J.K.Rowling  due to how enigmatic his character is and because Harry Potter was such a major part of my childhood, whenever I think of a villain within a series , Voldemort always pops into my mind.  He was beautiful before dark magic took over him. 


 Do You Want To Build a Snowman?A character you want to build a snowman with… 

I would choose Cather from FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell  because not only could build a snowman, we could also suddenly stop and take part in an emergency dance party.  Which would be super fun, right? We would also be able to discuss our love  for books and fictional characters. I choose her because I feel like we would have a lot in common.


For the first time in forever…  You haven’t been able to read anything in a long time and your TBR pile has been growing larger and larger. What book (of your TBR pile, so no rereads) would you pick?

I would choose I AM THE MESSENGER by Markus Zusak, I am extremely excited to read this because his writing is just exquisite. If you have not read The Book Thief by him yet, you need to because it is incredible, definitely one of those books that stays with you after you have finished it. The Book Thief will also hold a special place within my heart because my favourite English teacher recommended it me and I would pop in a speak to her about books if I walked past her classroom.   I am the Messenger has a 4.1 rating out of 5 on Goodreads (click link to see)  which is encouraging…  .  I just hope it doesn’t disappoint.


Love is an open door… With what book or which character (or both!) would love be an open door with it? Or for what book/which character would you close the door?

Character…umm don’t kill me okay but I would have to say Edward Cullen from Twilight because for twelve year old me he was the eptiome of attractiveness and kindness.  I always saw  his love with Bella as irrevocable which meant a lot me.

or Augustus Waters from TFIOS, I have still not recovered from this book…

Books wise…all of them? okay, if I have to choose one I would say all of the Harry Potter Books. I do not even think I have to explain this…

I do not know what I would choose to close the door…

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Let it go…A book or book series you used to love but you let it go.

I would have to stem of my last answer, for years Twilight took over my life and although it still holds a place within my heart I had to let it go. This gave me the freedom to fully appreciate more books so I am glad.


Reindeers Books Are Better Than People… Let’s say you’re tired of people today. What book would you rather spend the day with? 

I would choose The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, The Perks of being a Wallflower or The Fault in Our Stars because both of these are more than just books to me, they connected with me on a deeper level that I thought possible. Although they broke me, the captivating words also changed me and made me appreciate life.


In summer… A book perfect for summer

Umm  ANYTHING, this summer I will be reading anything and everything I can get my hands on.


Fixer Upper… A book that’s a bit of a fixer-upper and should be fixed with a little bit of love ?

I would have to say Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, I have watched Zoella on Youtube now for years and I probably hyped this up to myself too much. Perhaps  fourteen year old Shan would have preferred it,  nineteen year me just wanted more, I really like her blog but this book was just lacking something, As harsh as it sounds, maybe it was originality.

Thank you for reading, I tag everyone who reads this and wants to give it go…


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  1. I noticed you mentioned The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I just finished that book, yesterday, lol. And I was wondering if you have seen the movie and if you think it’s worth reading. You can check my blog for the review I did on the book if you want!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First off, I LOVE THE BENEDICT gif.
    I’m currently trying to get through The Messenger because The Book Thief is probably my second favourite book and I love the writing style but Messenger isn’t written in the same beautiful wording as Book Thief. Messenger sounds rather Australian especially in dilect (because he is Australian) and it grates on my nerves so I’m not sure how it will sound to someone who isn’t from Australia. Then again, the storyline sounds like it is going to get great but I just can’t make it past the first few chapters! You might end up loving it though!


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